Tom Underhill is the Development Officer for the South West Gospel Partnership
Feeling WELL: The South West Men's Convention 2021

The South West Men's Convention is back! On Saturday the 9th October (God-willing!) we will be at the St Michael's Centre in Stoke Gifford for a day of Bible teaching and fellowship for men across the South West.
The theme this year is "Feeling WELL: The place of emotions in Christian discipleship", and we could not be more excited about the chance to come together and reflect on such a vital and deep subject.
Julian Hardyman from Eden Baptist Church in Cambridge, and Santhosh Thomas from Dundonald Church in London will be our main speakers, the music will be led by Andy Fenton and Music Ministry, and we have a variety of thoughtworthy seminar options for the afternoon session.
All the details and booking can be found at the Men's Convention page: - put it in your church calendar now, and snap up early-bird tickets before they end on 9th September.